Tuesday Trials: Snacks, Hikes & Tempos

Snack Time: The folks over at Kardea sent me a package of four bars to taste and enjoy, and I happily obliged. Their representative explained them as follows:

Kardea bars are low fat, low carb (and low glycemic), whole grain, natural, high protein, kosher and vegan!

…Each bar contains 7 grams each of fiber and protein, and 1 gram of heart healthy plant sterols, in only 140 calories.

That’s not a description you hear every day. Yes, please send them right over…

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After an easy 7-miler yesterday morning, I tested one of these out for a post-run snack. No surprise that my taste buds requested “Banana Nut” first:

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Chewy and crunchy with a balance of the banana & spice flavor, it’s definitely high on the Snack-bar totem pole. I wouldn’t say I prefer these over other natural choices, like Larabar, but for only 140 calories, it’s a good grab-n-go bar.

Run, Hike, Run: A morning run is my favorite start to the day; I’m now convinced an afternoon hike its best friend. D & I both needed a break yesterday; he suggested hiking and I was quick to change and grab my shoes. Mountains, sunshine and exploring a new trail? YES, I’m definitely in.

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Parking at the Chautauqua lot leaves you plenty of options. Map-master D chose our route while the camera distracted me and my eyes.

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We trekked along, going left and right, finding different trails and tangents that are on the list for next time. We saw trail runners (must do!), rock climbers and thankfully No bears or mountain lions. Yup, there are warning signs. And oh my gosh I will freeze and panic. I will not “Fight back”(as recommended), thankyouverymuch.

This little guy doesn’t seem too worried about them:

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I want one of those to attack. How cute would that be?! Let’s be friends, little ‘munk.

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After an hour or so we called it a day and hung out at the park to avoid rush-hour traffic. I should’ve used that time t0 stretch and apologize to my legs – they had another challenge waiting for them this morning.

A busy schedule tomorrow meant the Tempo run would better fit into today; 6 miles with 3 at 7:42 min/mile. The 2 mile warm-up left me a little skeptical of the speed in these muscles, but once they get going it’s autopilot from there:

7;39, 7:39, 7:38

Consistent and right on target! Thank you for the cooperation, legs, I promise you can cross train tomorrow!


What new things have you tried lately?


Filed under Exploring Colorado, following the schedule, new things!, Speed workouts, training, trials

9 responses to “Tuesday Trials: Snacks, Hikes & Tempos

  1. Lookin’ good on the tempo! Way to nail it.

    LOVE the hike… you have to explore places like that. Hope your legs enjoy a little reprieve tomorrow. 😉

  2. Love the pics!!! It’s soo beautiful there!!!!!

  3. aw i wish i could have gone with you guys! LOVE the hiking there 🙂

  4. I love morning runs and afternoon hikes!

  5. I recently tried overnight oats (they didn’t turn out as planned, but next time will be better) for the first time.

    I love hiking, but I have a ridiculous fear of all wild things with teeth and claws (and also domestic dogs) so I usually do not want to leave the house. That looked like loads of fun though 🙂

  6. Great pics of the trails. I’m so jealous. I wish we had some trails like that in South Georgia.

  7. I recently tried kale! And have been eating less meat/chicken/turkey.
    Love your trail pics, and I did wonder what you do all day in Colorado!

  8. Your new run/hike spots = GORGEOUS. The end. 🙂

  9. FYI my legs aspire to be like yours for tempo runs. Always impressive! Great photos. 🙂

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