Why My Arms are Currently Dysfunctional

With only two weeks left in our office’s Soldier-inspired  strength-testing challenge, my arms have fallen victim to repetitive improvement attempts. I haven’t been as diligent as initially intended, but push-ups have happened and lactic acid has made frequent visits. This week has been especially brutal, as outlined below:

lululemon run club workout

Tuesday morning happened to be the day I returned to the morning routine

~20+ – “real” push-ups (until it hurts)
~20 – drop to the knees and continue
60 second plank holds, x 3

Tuesday evening happened to be the night that Chris, of CrossFit Dupont, joined us for a run, and threw in a surprise workout when we got to Lincoln! What did he have in mind for us? Push-ups. And stair-repeats.

Full-pushups: do as many as you can before needing to rest
When you rest, run the stairs (i.e. keep moving!)
Do more push-ups
Run the stairs again

lulu run club lincoln stairs

This sequence repeats until you’ve done 50 full push-ups. Stacy & Chris got ambitious on us, and went for a different kind of arm-tester:

lulu run club handstands

Want to join us for a workout-date with Lincoln?
Updates comin’ at ya,
right here!


As luck would have it, Wednesday’s office Tabata session happened to be push-ups. We do 20 seconds on, 10 seconds “off” (x 8). For that 10 second rest we pushed back into Down-dog. My arms were shaking after that 4 minute attack.

As last night’s Buddha B class would have it, chatarangas were handed out in spades. Holding up the umbrella to ward off the rain after class didn’t seem like a priority.


It may only be Thursday, but I’m calling “time-out!” today. My currently dysfunctional arms have earned their break, and my rested running legs could use some attention! Balance, I’m looking at you.


What muscles have you (over)worked lately?

The brain counts, too, if you’re in the countdown-to-weekend mode!


Filed under challenges, DC, Lululemon, strength train too!

9 responses to “Why My Arms are Currently Dysfunctional

  1. Definitely my brain with this work project. I am so ready for a vacation. Looks like a great workout. I would be dogging it by the end.

  2. My brain indeed, but now it’s on vacation!

    Also, did you get yelled at at all for running up those steps? I seem to remember a particularly cranky security guard not liking that once before…

  3. I want to work in YOUR office! My legs are a bit upset with me this week. Hill sprints on Tuesday, hike yesterday morning, and squats last night. Going to shake them out with a 90 min jog this afternoon and then give them Friday off!

  4. Jealous of the handstands! I could never do that. Also, your job is amazing.

  5. Okay, I can hardly stand not commenting here anymore so I’m using twitter. Hope they don’t tweet my comments, but I Have no idea how that works. ANYWAY… I need to try the full soldier workout again sometime with the run in there as well. Last night at Lifeforce we did 1 min of push ups after burpees and two sessions of hard in place sprinting and it was pretty killer. I would love to do 40+ real push ups someday. I love doing handstand push ups too. For 2012, my goal is to be able to do a full push up (handstand style) where I go all the way down, touch my head and come back up (using the wall for balance of course).

  6. No wonder your arms need a time out! That’s some intense work on them.

  7. Oh I love it! I’ve been staying away from super-intense exercise sessions (i.e. Tabata) because i’m pregnant, but in another 3 months, i’ll be back at it. And oh yes, your job is super amazing!!

  8. Yes, I am on the next flight to join:)

    OK real push-ups are awful, but so good for you. I do dips and I kick and moan the whole time, but I guess I secretly enjoy it.

    Great shots, Heather!

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